This schedule yields our ideal 20 hours of studio time, plus time in nature, to enjoy our deepened connection with the spirit of stone!
• 9am - We gather to start our day
• 15 minutes - for a centering spirit based practice/ritual to start the day
and get the creative juices going
• Instruction and stone carving until 12:30
• 12:30 pm - Break for lunch
• Free individual time until 5 pm to hike, swim, explore, shop, or nap
And of course the studio space will be open for those who want to carve more
• 5 pm - Return to Workshop and carve until 7:00pm
• 7 pm - End of the day: opportunity for dinner and communing
This schedule will allow us 5.5 hours of workshop each of the first three days. Ending the workshop at 12:30 on Sunday gives us a shorter day, allowing people to travel if needed.