Alabaster Stone Sculpture Workshop
with Lisa Wolff and Kathy Slocum
Slocum House Studio Gallery in Knoxville, Tennessee
May 21 - 25, 2018
This week long workshop with Lisa and Kathy introduces students to the amazing world of direct stone carving! You will learn to visualize in 3-D and understand design concepts, while working with hand tools and power tools. We'll sculpt 10-15 pound pieces of beautiful multicolored alabaster. By the end of the workshop, you will have completed the carving stage and began the finishing stage, leaving with instructions for the sanding stage. You will be given approximately a month to leisurely finish sanding your sculpture on your own and the class will meet again to wax, sign, and pin the pieces on bases. Students will decide on the date of this extra “finishing” class at the end of the workshop.
No previous experience is necessary. New and experienced sculptors will find an opportunity to considerably heighten their skill level and insight.