Alabaster Sculpture Workshop
With Lisa Ruttan Wolff and Kathy Slocum
Knoxville, TN
May 13-17, 2019
No previous experience is necessary. We welcome new students and love to see them find creativity they didn’t know they had, learn a new skill, find a new passion, make new friends. Experienced sculptors will find an opportunity to considerably heighten their skill level and insight. This week long workshop with Lisa and Kathy introduces students to the amazing world of direct stone sculpting! You will learn to visualize in 3-D and understand design concepts, while working with hand tools and power tools. We’ll sculpt 10-15 pound pieces of beautiful multicolored alabaster. By the end of the workshop, you will have completed the sculpting stage and began the finishing stage, leaving with instructions for the sanding stage. You will be given approximately a month to leisurely finish sanding your sculpture on your own and the class will meet again to wax, sign, and pin the pieces on bases. Students will decide on the date of this extra “finishing” class at the end of the workshop.
Your Instructors
Together, Kathy and Lisa have taught many stone sculpting workshops over the past 16 years to adults and young people! This is the 14th year they have offered this class.
Lisa began her stone sculpting career apprenticing with Barbara Rheingrover in Atlanta, GA in 1990. Lisa’s work can be found in private and public collections across the country, including in the square of her home town of Norris, Tennessee, where her marble & Cornucopia sculpture commemorates the city’s 50th anniversary.
Kathy, of Knoxville, Tennessee, was a production potter for 26 years before turning to stone sculpting in 1999, with Lisa Ruttan Wolff. She has been part of numerous exhibitions and juried shows.
Monday, May 13 through Friday, May 17, 2018
from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. daily
Slocum House Studio Gallery
6722 Long Shadow Way, Knoxville TN 37918
(Halls Crossroads)
Learn Stone Sculpting skills and techniques. Each participant will personally design and complete a hand-held, intimate sculpture made of soapstone. Instruction will include all steps of the carving process from beginning to end. All tools and materials will be provided. Also, information will be provided to encourage and enable participants to continue to create stone sculptures on their own.
TUITION : $450
Materials Fee: $75 This fee is in addition to the tuition fee. It covers the cost of the stone, expendable materials, and tool usage.
To sign up for the class, please contact Lisa or Kathy (info below), and send your tuition in full to Lisa Ruttan Wolff
Mail your check to:
Lisa Ruttan Wolff
P.O. Box 554
Norris TN 37828
Feel free to contact us!